Frequently Asked Questions -
Communications Software

Software FAQs

See Also Internet FAQs

I just started using Windows 98, and there is no Microsoft Fax program installed like there was in Windows 95. Is there a way to install Microsoft Fax?

How can I send a document or spreadsheet I have created as a fax?

My Speed Dial does not work in Megaphone. How can I fix this?

When I try to load Megaphone, I get an error message about MAPI32.DLL. What should I do?

When I use the speakerphone in MegaPhone, I can hear the caller, but they cannot hear me.

How can I screen calls using MegaPhone?

I'm using MegaPhone as my answering machine. When the phone rings, I get this incredibly loud feed back that doesn't stop until I shut the computer off. How can I correct this?

When I start up my computer MegaPhone loads automatically. How can I keep this program from starting up?

Can I run both Outlook and MegaPhone on my computer at the same time?

What is the name of the file I need to back up in order to save my MegaPhone Phonebook entries?

I accidentally erased the Faxworks program. How can I get another copy of the program? Is it included with any of the software packages that came with the computer?

I need to delete and reinstall Faxworks, but I have a lot of phone numbers saved. What can I do to save my information?

Why does Faxworks tell me that my maximum send and receive is only 14,400 when I have a 33,600 modem?

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