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How do I download music from the Internet?

The MP3 file format helped launch a digital music revolution by making it possible to share and send high-quality music using the Internet.

How do I download music from the Internet?The MP3 file format helped launch a digital music revolution by making it possible to share and send high-quality music using the Internet. When you're downloading music from the Web, you're most likely downloading MP3 files. (Microsoft has its own music file format, Windows Media Audio or WMA).

MP3s compress large audio recordings to a much smaller size, so they can move from place to place quickly. Play them back and the quality is as good as any commercial CD.

What's more, several companies have released free, high-quality and easy-to-use software that lets music lovers create and play MP3 files made from their own CD collections.

You may have heard about the legal controversies surrounding Internet music, but that's only part of the story. There's nothing illegal about downloading music if you pay for it!

Many online services offer access to thousands of MP3 songs, often through a subscription service like Gateway's partner, eMusic.

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