You can place an odometer style counter on one or more of your web pages to advertise the number of "hits" to a specific web page.
Add the following line of code to an HTML document to display a counter:
<img src="/cgi-bin/newcount?userID&width=5&font=digital">
The newcount script resides in the server's cgi-bin directory and can be referenced from your HTML as if it were within your own account. The script does NOT reside in your cgi-local directory and is pre-installed for your convenience.
Substitute your userID for userID above. If you would like to add a counter to more than one page, start with "userID1" and increment by one each time you add a new counter to another page. (i.e. userID1, userID2, etc.)
To change the number of digits displayed in the counter, adjust the value of the width attribute.
To display an odometer style counter, change the value of font from "digital" to "odometer".
To make the counter invisible to visitors, add &noshow to the end of the tag. Then add a second copy of the same counter to a secret page to see what the value of the counter is. Add &noinc to the counter tag to prevent the counter from incrementing when you view it on this second page. This is an easy way to track hits to a page without having to look at your usage statistics in your Control Panel.